
  • Rain, Rain...

    It's a lovely, quiet Saturday afternoon. Dan has Will at the house site, and the younger two are napping.

    It's pouring rain outside, and the pattering sounds so peaceful and drowsy on the roof windows, making me feel snug and cozy here inside.

    I am going to get a mug of hot chocolate and curl up with a new book, something I haven't done in.... far too long!

    My sister is playing in a soccer tournament today, and my mom called from where she was watching from the car, saying that it was just downpouring on the girls, but they were still playing. My first reaction was, "that's crazy!" but then, I thought back to my teenage soccer days... I remember playing in the rain, and even in my cold, wet, tired and usually filthy state, I loved it. There is something about being out in the rain, taking on what few other people would choose to do in the same situation, giving it your all, and... being proud of the muddy shinguards and the grass sticking out of your cleats, your soaking wet shirt and the dripping of your nose. Being proud of being a tough girl, for taking on the rain and the cold air and the physicalness of an impact sport, and when it's all over, even if it's not a big deal to anyone else, you feel proud of yourself for pushing through and not being a "girl", not quitting, not being afraid to get down and dirty... for sticking it out and giving it your very best. (How's that for philosophical.)

    Anyway, I'm off. Hope you all have a nice Saturday as well!


    I forgot to mention how this season bring out the knitter in me. Every fall, without fail, I get an irresistible urge to dig out my knitting (including the scarf I've been working on for a year+ now...) and KNIT. I am just aching to get up to our storage and dig out my needles and my yarn (oh, my yarn!!) and maybe even my crochet hooks. I've been feeling like I should re-learn crocheting as well. I knit fairly proficiently, but although I know how to crochet, I've not done it enough to be much good at it. But I think overall it's faster than knitting, which would behoove me greatly. At any rate, I just ordered $30 worth of yarn off the internet (yes, it was an impulse purchase. But-- I'm planning to make a gift with it! so there. :) ) Right now I have only one set of needles, attached to an irksome (above-mentioned) scarf. I have been working on it in the car (when Dan's driving, of course!) lately, and have made a decent amount of progress. It's cable-knit, though, which takes twice as long as a regular scarf of the same width would take... so the going is slow. (Obviously, since it's been over a year. *sigh*) I probably have about 36" or so done, but since it's so thick (thanks to being cable-knit!) I probably need at least another 12" or so to make it useable. Another problem is that it's sort of a pukey brown color, which I apparently liked last year when I started it, but this year is rather boring- and bland- looking, further hampering my motivation to work on it. Maybe I'll have it done by Christmas, and some lucky relative will be the recipient of a very old (but thick! and warm!) scarf.

    My post-scarf project-hopefuls include a baby blanket (which, though bigger than a scarf will not be cable-knit, so shouldn't take that long. Um, right..) and a small bag for carrying my needles and yarn around in. I saw a really cute felted one that I think I should be able to replicate without too much difficulty... so... we'll see. Whatever of all this I'm not done by, oh... March... will have to wait till next fall.

  • Thursday...!

    Monday, yesterday and today (as well as Friday) I was/will be out of the house for a significant part (if not all!) of the day. Tomorrow I will home ALL day, which I am greatly looking forward to. I do have a mental list of chores going though... vacuuming upstairs, cleaning the upstairs bathrooms, laundry (of course!), but I do want to make sure I don't go so crazy cleaning that I blow the whole day I have home with the kids to shreds. *sigh* I just feel so much better when things are clean and orderly around here.

    Will's last soccer game was tonight. I bet it was below freezing out there. He was fine; running around in his uniform, topped with a hoodie and his winter coat, he was toasty. I, on the other hand, sitting on the bleachers, was freezing. As much fun as he's had, I'm glad the season's over!

    With the bears around here heading into hibernation shortly, they are out looking for food hardcore. One has visited our house a few times; here's a short vid my sister shot of him (her?) outside our dining room windows trying to access our birdfeeder!

    Our house is chugging along... slowly. I am having trouble picking paint colors. And tile. There are just so many options, and I want to love my pick! After all, I'll be living with it for a long time.

    So. That's it! I know I've been terrible about keeping up on here lately. Dan's family has a family blog, (you can see it here) that I can blog to from my mobile phone, so honestly, when I can snap a pic and send it in (with my comentary ;) ) in the few spare minutes I have here and there, that usually beats out me getting on here and logging into xanga... If you want to pop over there ever now and again, you will likely see pics of my kids showing up every few days or so. :) (It is a shared blog, though, so you'll also see all the other families' posts as well, fyi.)

    I've also been following the election process pretty closely. This race is crazy! I'm a talk radio junkie anyway, so I love all this hash-it-out stuff going on now.

    Well the laundry is calling my name so I ought to go get a jump on it so it doesn't take over my day home tomorrow...

  • fun things

    So yesterday while I was at my dad's, a bear came up to our back door! You have to know that the house we are living in is almost all glass. (Literally, the first floor, from floor to ceiling, is pretty much all glass.) So having the bear show up was amazing, in more ways than one. My friend who was with the kids said that Will got up, ran to the wall of windows, and stared the bear down. (He told Dan later, "I could see his sharp teeth.") Hallie covered her eyes with her hands and wouldn't look. Eventually the bear wandered off. When I came home, Will eagerly told me all about the episode. When Hallie got up from her nap, she popped her thumb out and stated in a bored tone, "Millie came." then popped her thumb back in. At first I was nonplussed, but then I remembered: Millie is the bear in the stories Dan tells the kids. LOL!! I couldn't believe that's all she could come up with.

    Yesterday was Dan's birthday. We went out for dinner with some friends and then to (great seats!) at a hockey game. I know literally nothing about hockey, but while the guys cheered and talked, I knitted and my friend and I talked. It was a good time!! Today we are all off to a local apple festival. Should be yummy and fun!! I love fall! :)

  • Wellll.

    ... It is 7:50 pm. I am going to leave the (clean) full dishwasher till the morning, the dirty dishes in the sink, and go. to. bed.

    Dan is out with my brothers and uncle seeing... some movie (I'm seriously blanking on the name here) that I have no interest in seeing. A real guy movie. So... I got the kids bathed, and in bed, and for some unknown reason, I am really tired. Like out-of-energy, blahhh tired.

    I've been doing some Christmas/ birthday shopping here and there, and I'm happy with the results. Most of my shopping is done online or via catalog, which is fine with me at this point. As much as I like getting out and going shopping, at this point, shopping from home is way less headache.

    Dan had rehab 2x this week, and he worked 2 half-days. Next week he has rehab 3x, and he's hoping to work 2 full days... we'll see! He's doing a lot better... he's getting his jaw open on Wednesday, and he's already planning his celebration dinner. :) I can't believe the 6 weeks are over already. He's lost 35 lbs., and is pretty bony. I have lost 12 since my wisdom teeth surgery last month. I think not eating any "real" meals is helping. :) (Since Dan can't eat, I am not really cooking for the kids and me. We eat a lot of soup and bread, and a lot of cereal, eggs, soup, and more soup. :) )

    Dan's birthday is Friday. I'm not sure what to do, since it will only be his third day eating again, but I'm sure we'll do something. :) The kids are excited about it, anyway.

    I guess that's about it for tonight. I'm off to read in bed.... ahhh the luxury!!! :)

  • Updatey :)

    Dan's dad got here on Thursday. That night, Dan was having a lot of chest pain, so after a bit, his dad took him to the ER to make sure it wasn't a blood clot. Well, after a x-ray, 2 cat scans and review to two doctors, they determined that it was not a clot and sent him home. It was nearly 5 in the morning! His brother, Joel, arrived late that night as well, having missed a connection on his way here from Mo. On Friday, Joel and I took Dan to an appt with his jaw surgeon. Everything looked great! He has one more week, and then the wires (that are holding the braces shut) will be replaced with rubber bands for another 2 weeks.

    Later that day my sister called and asked if I wanted to run a 5k with her yesterday. I thought it might be fun, even though I haven't been running since before Dan was hurt! So yesterday morning, after seeing Dan's dad and brother off for their long drive back to Mo., Dan's mom and I ran the 5k together! Our finish time was 40:30, which is appalling if you are actually a runner. We were happy just to finish! Anna finished in 24 minutes, and came in 3rd in her age bracket! She was running against a public high cross country team, so she did great. I am very proud of her. (My dad's trainer actually won the whole thing... he's nuts! )

    So today we're off to church. Dan's mom was supposed to leave yesterday with the guys, but she decided to stay another week till (hopefully!) Dan's a little more stable. I am so thankful she's been able to be here with us! This week we have plans to make and freeze lots of soups so that I'm stocked up for the two weeks after she leaves. So... that's about it on us! My laptop is getting used more now than ever, with Dan, his mom and me all using it during the day, and Dan having not a lot he can do besides read or email! Hence my not updating alot. :) Alrighty-- off to get the kids breakfast! Enjoy your day!

  • A Bit of a Break

    Yesterday afternoon, Dan's sister Kak and I headed out for a little bit while my three were sleeping. We took her baby Matthew with us, and went to Panera Bread first to get blended mocha drinks. Yummmm. Then we walked next door and got our eyebrows waxed! We then went to Target, where I had a short list of stuff to get, but we also spent some time browsing the housewares section, the sale racks of clothes, and the kitchen appliances. I love looking at that stuff, even if I don't buy anything, and usually, when I'm there with the kids... well, you know. Browsing doesn't really happen. Then we walked across the parking lot to Marshall's (where amazingly I've never been yet, after a year here!) and browsed some more. Kak was looking for shoes, and I checked out the fall decor... but didn't buy any. I did get a Indonesian black and brown wicker-type basket that now sits on the back of the toilet in our bathroom. It was only $8, and I am soooo happy with it! It holds all the books and magazines that had previously been scattered on the floor/sink/back of the toilet/behind the toilet/etc.  It looks so neat and clean and orderly. So props for random trips to Marshalls! Our final stop of the day was Old Navy. I hit the sale racks (again), and got two shirts for $1.99 each, one for $5.99 and two sets of jammies for Hallie (for next year)... and ended up with 5 items for under $20. Score again! We headed home to the kids, Dan and his mom (who had taken the kids to the local ice cream shop for hot dogs) and after a quick pick-up session, I got the kids in bed and we adults watched a few episodes of last year's The Office. It was a nice break from the routine around here of late!

  • Random Things

    The kids and I are just finishing up breakfast. Dan's been sleeping a lot since he's been home-- about 12 hours at night, and he takes a nap in the afternoon as well! His body must be working overtime on healing itself. Dan's sister Miriam left early this morning after spending the last 4 days with us, mostly badgering Dan into doing all the stuff he needs to be doing, and making soup for him. (She also happens to be an ER nurse!) She made two soups that were amazing-- a shrimp bisque, and a black bean chowder. (The rest of us ate the soup that wasn't pureed. :) ) She and I got to get our for a bit together yesterday, which was so nice. It's so nice to have family that really is family!

    Will is playing soccer twice a week. At his age, they play without goalies or refs. It's super cute to see them play. They are so into it. :)

    Hallie wants to take a dance class, so I've been looking into that a bit. Right now I am trying to keep things moving on the new house front... I have paint chips picked out, the tub for our bathroom, the cork floor for the playroom... :-b A few of you have asked about our appliances, so here you go. We placed our big order at Sears during their "VIP event" a few weeks ago, and got 30% off the already-on-sale prices. I was very happy about that! The microwave, washer & dryer and dishwasher were Consumer Reports "best buys", so that is why I picked them. The fridge and oven were rated highly by them as well. I just can't waiiiit to have all this stuff up and running and in our new place. *shudder* Things just seem to take forever!!
    Our fridge
    The microwave
    Washer and Dryer
    And... my oven. I wanted to put put in a real pic of it because I am the most excited about this appliance. :) Actually having a big oven that has lots of burners and can take the big, wide restaurant-sized baking sheets is so up my alley. :)
    And... I guess that's it for now. Dan's other sister, Kak, is arriving on Thursday for a few days. (She's also an ER nurse! How handy, right?! ) Plus, his mom has been here since right after the accident, with his Dad popping in and out as well. I feel very blessed to have family who is so willing to help out when we need it!

  • He's Home!

    Dan came home from the hospital yesterday. We are all so happy to have him home. He is still very sore and slow moving... his jaw is wired shut now for 4-6 weeks now. Tonight we made White Chicken Chili for dinner, and we blended some up for Dan. He declared it "the best meal I have ever had in my whole entire life." His mom and sister (who happens to be an ER nurse) are here for the week, helping me take care of him. He's on liquid morphine, and since his jaws are shut, his meals are limited to juice, protein drinks and anything we can blend up. The kids are so happy to have daddy home. I'm sure the next few weeks will be long, but we will try to make the best of them and get him better soon! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, everyone. I really appreciate it!

  • Update!

    I've been back and forth to the hospital pretty much 2x/day for the past three days... I think. Its all kind of blurry after awhile. I'm home with the kids this morning while Dan's parents are there with him. Dan's dad (Frank) got to the hospital at 5:30 this morning so he could speak with the trauma dr. before he left. (He's a middle-aged Indian dr., who completely blew me off yesterday. He spoke with Frank, though, this morning, for a while, so he must not like me/women/young people... ??) Anyway, below is an update from Frank that came in a few mins. ago. I want to go get a shower and clean up before I leave for the hospital later, plus I want to spend time with the kids, so I don't want to be on here long! (The email pasted below is long and detailed, so feel free to skip/skim. )

    Wanted to give an update on Daniel, he had surgery last night (on his jaw) and I met with the critical care physician this morning:
    First, re: the sx last night:
    The oral surgeon said Dan had 2 fxs in his jaw - one on each side.  The left was the worse of the two, the fx site had telescoped (imagine closing a telescope and that's what the bones did).  D now has a titanium plate (wonder how much money it's worth) that will be a permanent fixture.  Can't see it.  Oral sxeon also said:
    has full mouth brace/wires, will stay in place 4-6 weeks / nerve to front of face (lips and teeth) was stretched but not torn.  Dr. said he checked it out thoroughly.  Dan is numb there now but should recover feeling over time / his bite following recovery should be good - may need or want some orthodontic work to improve bite, depends on how he looks after wires/brace removed / he will lose 10-15% body weight due to injuries (and calories to recover) and having his jaws wired shut. Mouth wiring will be in place 4-6 weeks.
    Dan tolerated the sx well, breathed on own quickly as anesthesia was discontinued.  That's good.
    The trauma doc (Dr. Shaikh) came in this morning.  We actually had a friendly chat at Dan's bedside.  He must be about my age - gray hair does come in handy once in awhile.  (He blew Sarah off yest.)  He said the following:

    Kak/Duke told me to ask for a pulmonologist consult - the docs says he is "triple certified" in crit care and that a pulmonologist was not necessary.  He said that the tube in Dan's chest would remain for a couple more days, depending on how much fluid it continues to remove (200 CC yesterday alone).  Once the tube is out, doc says he will improve rapidly as it sticks into his chest about 12 inches, but is necessary now to remove fluid from the fractures/collapsed lung (now reinflated)/ broken ribs.
    Dan will make a full recovery, will need to take 6-8 weeks off work.
    Will be in a lot of pain for awhile (That's pretty obvious).  Goal is to limit pain so he can breathe and recover energy, but if give enough meds to totally relieve pain, Dan would be semi-conscious and recovery would be slower.
    He will need to be on Ensure-type stuff, will need lots of calories as his body heals from the injuries (Jeanie, get your blender out!)  He needs 4-6,000 calories/day.  Recommends Ensure-type products, putting straw into mouth along side of back teeth and sucking that way.  Needs to be puree'd stuff or store-bought high-calorie products.
    Duke/Kak told me to ask about TPN (nutrition through veins) while in the hospital.  Dr. said no, oral was better, as soon as orthopedist sees D (today) and decides whether/not to operate on his shoulder, then Dan can begin to have food.
    Let's take a "Bone Break" (get it?  I made that up myself!):
    Jaws repaired - see above;
    Both scapulae broken (shoulder blades).  Takes time to heal
    6 ribs broken - time to heal
    there is a chip out of the humerus (not funny, but that's the name of the upper arm bone), that may need pinning.  Other than that, Dr. Shaikh (crit care doc) didn't see any need for further surgery.  Dr. Thomas, the ortho, will decide on that,  will be in today.
    Dan's mental status - he's alert this morning, actually irritating me and the nurse and being typical D, also very grateful I am here (hasn't told me to leave yet today, that'll happen later on :) )
    Dan told Sarah last night "I'm glad you still love me" .  She is so good with him.
    In a lot of pain - from back, front, left side, jaw, right shoulder.  That's about it.
    He seems more alert and engaging in conversation this morning.  I don't think he's in critical condition anymore, I'll ask later. 

    That about summarizes it for now.  Glad we're here during this time.  Having a great time with the g'kids and Sarah, brief and good visits with Jeanie, Bill and several of their kids so far.  More later.

    Keep praying for Dan - we had a good time of prayer together this morning.


    Dad/Frank/Pop, etc.

  • Pray for Dan

    On Monday afternoon around 4pm, Dan was in a 4-wheeler accident. He was life-flighted to CMC in Scranton (about 30 min. from us) and was admitted with a whole litany of injuries, but thankfully nothing life-threatening. He has a broken scapula (shoulder blade), 6 broken ribs, his jaw is broken in two places, and a punctured lung. He was in a lot of pain, so much that the pain meds they were giving him weren't really doing much, so last night they gave him a thoracic epidural to numb up his chest so that he is able to breathe easier and without so much pain. He has a drainage tube in that has already drained 850 cc's of fluid out of his lung, and today, if all goes as planned, he'll have surgery to have titanium plates put in his jaw and then have it wired shut for 4-6 weeks. (Those of you who know Dan know that this could be the worst part--- Dan loves (and lives?!) to eat, so a month on a straw could be... disastrous...) Anyway, since he was in so much pain, he wasn't breathing very deeply and wasn't able to cough or inflate his lungs (esp. the one that had been collapsed) very well, and they were pretty worried about him getting pneumonia. Hopefully now that he has the epidural in, he'll be able to get his lungs clear and breathe better.

    That's it for now. I'm posting pics and updates of him throughout the day on Dan's family blog, myblockfamily.blogspot.com, so you can check there if you really want more details.