
  • Me... & Politics

    I am feeling pretty good, I think, for having four large-ish holes in my mouth. I've only taken one vicoden (right after surgery) and then I've been on ibuprofen since then, with really no pain at all! More than anything, my jaw is sore (like muscle-sore) and I can't open my mouth very wide. :) I'm hoping to be able to cut the ibuprofen in the next few days as well. I hiked with the kids this afternoon, and took a walk yesterday, so I really can't complain. I haven't eaten solid food for three days, though. I've been drinking lots of vitamin water, limeade, juice, Snapple, etc. etc. though, and so far, I haven't really even been hungry. I'm amazed it's been three days already! I usually have quite a decent appetite. :)

    I wasn't going to post on politics, mostly b/c it's so divisive and ... what's the point, really? Most people probably know that I'm pro-life and given the choice between NARAL's "100% good" guy (Obama) or McCain (with a whopping 0%), I'll choose McCain. [[Plus I love it that he picked a girl for his VP-- a girl who has five kids, including a 4.5 month old nursing baby. Isn't that just what the White House needs?? A dose of middle-America reality??]] Anyway, like I said, I wasn't going to get into this, but tonight on facebook, I saw a girl I know from church had posted her status as "(girl) is wantinggg u to votee for Obama!!! He is amazinngggg...and he is gonna wiin!!! YAYA!!!" I asked her if she knew he was pro-abortion, and she said she didn't, but that she didn't care and that her whole family is voting for him, and if she was old enough, she would too. (I think she's 15 or 16.)

    Is this for real? Is this really how kids learn how to vote? Doesn't anyone care about the issues? And can a candidate voting 100% of the time with the abortion-rights lobbyists be really no big deal for a Christian? Obviously it can. I just... don't get it. I mean, if you don't care about abortion, that's one thing... but to... ..... ??? I'm just really baffled. Not like McCain/Palin is a perfect ticket, but it sure lines up more with where I'd like to see America in 4 or 8 years than Obama/Biden does.

    [[Rabbit trail: Personally, I think Obama's VP pick is as lame as all-get-out. An old, establishment white guy?? I mean, how "Change we can believe in" is that?!? Seriously. If he had picked Hillary, this race would be way more exciting, even now. Not like I like Hillary, but from their p.o.v... If I was an Obama girl, I would think that Biden is a real dud. Just a downer. Anyway...]]

    That's it from me for tonight. Have a great Labor Day tomorrow, everyone!! :)

  • Well, I made it...

    I am home and alone. (Dan took the kids out to eat so I could get a little p&q around here.) I am wisdom free... err, make that wisdom tooth free, and not in really too much pain. I already switched to ibuprofen, and it seems to be doing the trick. I just ate some yogurt-- the first thing I've eaten all day, and it was slightly awkward and a little painful. Ugh. I'm heading back upstairs to lie down again. I'm really wiped out even though I feel ok.  Dan's bringing me home a milkshake, which I haven't had in... I don't know how long! :) So that should be a little bright spot, even if it's not the most enjoyable thing ever...

  • Cleaning and...

    On Monday, two days after my lazy Saturday where everything was sort of "cluttery and discombobulated", I got sick of it. So while the kids were eating breakfast, I tackled the kitchen. I deep cleaned the whole thing, then mopped. I swept and mopped our giant brick stairs, vacuumed the entire house, straightened up all the bedrooms, and cleaned all the bathrooms. By naptime I had one bathroom left, so I knocked that out and read to Will while the little guys napped. Now with relatively little maintenence, the house has been decently clean for the past two days! Nice. :)

    Last night I was at Lowe's after the kids were in bed, because KraftMaid (our cabinetmaker) recently rolled out some new cabinets/finishes and... *gulp* discontinued the finish that I'd been planning to use in our house! I am sick to my stomach at starting this whole kitchen thing over... the Lowe's guy thinks they may still have enough "pearl" finish leftover to do my cabinets, but not to count on it. *sigh*. Not cool. Not cool at all. So I was flipping through cabinets yet again last night. After that, I got Will his socks, shin guards and shorts for soccer tonight. He is so stinkin' excited about starting soccer. In fact, I just sent him upstairs to change, because he's been wearing his whole outfit (including cleats) around the house all morning. (I don't want him to get messed up before tonight, because tonight is team pictures.) (Right now he is up there singing "I am a soccer playerrrrrrrr" and the "err" is in falsetto. :) I think he must be excited about tonight. :) ) I have a low key day today, which is nice because I'm busy most of tomorrow with house stuff, and....

    On Friday I get my wisdom teeth out. I am ONLY happy about this because once it's done, I can get retainers to get my teeth re-straightened out. After braces, I had almost perfect teeth, and ever since, my wisdom teeth have been slowly pushing through and wrecking them. Argh. So I am looking forward to having these destructive things out of my mouth, but not to the pain and days of misery! And... I'll be on antibiotics for the first time in my life. Crazy, right? It's just amoxicillin, so I don't really care. The thing that I am sort of concerned about is that *ahem* Tristan is not completely weaned yet, and I have a scrip for Vicoden...   :S I'm hoping I can bump down to somthing a little less potent... so he doesn't have to go cold turkey. Though I'm sure he would be fine if he did-- he's only 20 months old. *rolls eyes*

    So! That's it from me. Let me know if you have any tips for surviving 4 holes being cut in your mouth... *sigh*

  • Lazy Saturday

    This morning Tristan (the first kid up) got up at 8:10. (That is definitely sleeping in for this family!)

    I grabbed some cereal bars and we went over to the new house site, where Dan and I worked on the garage (he's putting insulation in) and the kids ran about and played. Came home for lunch and naps. I got to poke through my new BHG mag while Will played on the computer, and now we're sitting at the table drawing and cutting together. I've drawn a rocket-ship, which he is busy coloring. It will be getting pictures of the kids pasted on to it and shipped off to Uncle Jonathan, who is on the campaign trail with McCain. It's going to be our own little Flat Stanley, and the kids are excited about seeing pics of their project posted from around the country.

    I have chicken kabobs planned for dinner, and risotto rice with mushrooms. YUM. The house is sort of cluttery and discombobulated, but it is a gorgeous day outside. I am having fun with the kiddos. Our new house is coming along well. So I am happy! :) It's a good, lazy Saturday.

  • Full Circle

    Today should have been spent unloading suitcases and doing laundry. But since we got in so late last night from NY (midnight) and Dan's truck is still in the shop, he took my car to work this morning-- and all the suitcases with it. (Ugh!) So I decided to do a project with the kids-- rock painting. A long time ago, when I was in VBS... (4th grade maybe?) we did rock painting. The neighbor that picked me and my brother up and took us to VBS, first took us one morning to a creek that runs behind a lake near us to collect smooth rocks for the whole VBS to paint during activities. Ever since, I've had it in the back of my mind that someday I'd take my kids (or someone's kids!) back to collect rocks to paint. So... we finally made it! Tristan was barefoot (both pairs of his shoes were still packed) but the rest of us had a great time scrambling around, choosing rocks to take home. When we got home I scrubbed the rocks, then after lunch we all painted rocks. The kids did a great job! They turned out very cute. After naps we took the rocks outside and tucked them into little hiding places along the path from our house to the cars... in between tree roots, nestled between ferns, tucked alongside other rocks... It was really fun. Then Will pointed them all out to Dan as he walked in on his way in from work. I'd like to do it again sometime.

    And now.... yep. That laundry has yet to be started, so I'm headed off.

    New York was great, by the way! The day we left (Tuesday) it was freezing cold. Like 50* or so. But I absolutely love tubing, so I talked two of my sisters into going out with me. We were shivering and freezing starting, but I guess adrenaline (or something!) kicked in, b/c we had a great time!!! I got dumped three times, but I've never laughed so hard. It was a blast! When we finally quit, my brother who'd been towing us from the jet ski looked at me in disbelief and muttered, "I still think you're nuts." No regrets here though! It was way too much fun.

  • Adventure... of sorts

    Wow, I'm a posting fiend lately! I'm scaring myself.

    This afternoon I took Hallie and Tristan up to the lake to play for a bit. I felt bad that I'd kept them cooped up in the house all day while I've been packing for NY, so we ventured out for a little playtime. I had the idea of taking the kids on a paddleboat out to the island to pick blueberries. It started out just great... there were lots of berries and the kids were just gobbling them up as fast as they (and I) could pick them. Well about 15 min. into our picking I noticed..... huh... that spot where I parked the boat is... empty.... I took a quick glance around and saw our trusty paddleboat halfway across the lake! I wasn't too concerned because I'd talked to Dan shortly before I headed out to the island, and he siad that he's be up there shortly. So we kept picking, and then ventured around the (tiny) island, climbing on rocks... looking for ways to kill time. I heard my cell phone ringing across the lake, and had a uneasy feeling that Dan was changing his plans... and about 30 mins. later, I couldn't avoid it any longer. Rain clouds were rolling in, and I had to get us all back to shore. Halie had a lifevest on, but we were all fully dressed. So we all stripped down, I bundled our clothes  and tied them (with my shorts drawstring!) on top of my head. Tristan went on my shoulders, and I had Hallie by the hand. The shortest distance between the island and the land isn't very far... but I wasn't sure I could walk the whole way across-- it's gets a bit deep in the middle. I started out across, holding Tristan on with one hand, and pulling Hallie (who was complaining about the "ewwie stuff") by the hand as well. The water was just about up to my neck, and I knew I was going to have to swim it. So I took a huge breath, grabbed Hallie's arm, and clamped down on Tristan. Then I felt my feet leave the bottom and I kicked like crazy. Soon I felt the bottom again and I knew we'd made it across (the very short) gully. Hallie and Tristan were both a little upset-- they were wet, cold, and Hallie saw more "ewwie" stuff coming up, which only added to her distress. Needless to say, we all made it out alive. We dried off and headed home. That's our adventure for today!

  • The House

    As you all know, we are smack-dab in the middle of building our new house. Recently I have been supposed to be getting my act together and getting things picked out. Things like
    ~ interior paint colors
    ~ kitchen appliances (fridge, stove, dishwasher, etc.)
    ~ bathroom fixtures (tub handles, anyone?)
    ~ washer and dryer
    ~ kitchen countertops
    ~ kitchen cabinets (which I've actually had picked out for a few months now, but am currently second-guessing my pick)

    I also have this idea of having lockers (yes, like gym lockers) in our mudroom. Each kid would get one, and all their seasonal sports gear, outdoor wear, sweatshirts, etc. etc. would be neatly ensconced in his/her personal locker. Plus I could stick reminders to the front with magnets! (For an ex-homeschooler, who never got to experience the joys of having a personal locker, it doesn't get much better than this. :) ) Dan thinks the idea is a little strange (I'm sure not many people aspire to have metal lockers in their house...) But my theory is that it's a) practical, b) clutter-hiding, c) personal (no excuses for lost items) and d).... cool. All that to say that finding decent-looking, inexpensive lockers are on my to-do list, along with everything else. It's a little overwhelming. Sears is having a 30% off sale this Sunday night. I'm thinking if I can get all the appliances picked out, I can call in the order then, since we'll be away in NY this weekend. So.... yeah, wish me luck. I just hope all my research actually pays off and I don't end up with any lemon appliances. That would really ruin my day.

    Anyway, off to a house mtg with the kids! (Nothing like that to stress me out!!)

  • The REAL Link

    Here is the official link for the men's 4x100 relay that you MUST see, even if you aren't a big fan of the Olympics. Seriously. Watch it and just see if you don't find yourself swelling with USA pride!!


    I have been on a xanga hiatus of sorts. I don't know why-- I've referenced this before, but for whatever reason, I haven't felt like blogging. (Weird, right?? ;) ) But tonight I got back into it. I updated my kids' lilypies (at the bottom of my page) which were sadly out of date. I  poked around and looked at some themes (but didn't make the leap yet)... we'll see. Maybe I'll be posting around here more regularly once again!

  • Out to Dinner

    Tonight my parents were taking their kids and my uncle and cousin out to Red Robin for dinner. They invited Dan and I and the kids to join them, but I had forgotten that Dan already had plans to insulate his new garage with a friend tonight. I batted around the notion of just staying home, but then I thought.... Red Robin! Seriously, who passes that up on account of having three little kids to watch?! Thankfully, we ate outside, and were the only ones out there, so the kids could get down and move around a bit. And I got my strawberry lemonade/ Bonsai burger fix for awhile. :) (It's what I always get there.) (Although "always" is like 2x/year now. But it's still all I ever get. :) )

    Tomorrow is Will's last day of camp. This is his 4th week of camp this summer, and he has really, really loved it. It's amazing how the dynamics at home change, too. When he's home, he and Hallie play hardcore, and Tristan tags along. but when Will's out of the picture, suddenly Tristan becomes Hallie's best playmate! I got the entire house vacuumed this morning thanks to Hallie entertaining Tristan in the upstairs hallway. :) She does this goofy, slapstick comedy that Tristan just eats up, laughing so hard he sometimes literally falls over.  Which of course, fuels Hallie's drive to make him laugh, making her act even more zany and creative.... giving me more time to get my stuff done!! Yay for siblings. :) Will, meanwhile, is having a blast at nature camp, learning about the 10 commandments in addition to all kinds of crazy stuff about animals, the woods, etc. (Yesterday I asked what he'd been learning, and he told me, "The 10 commandments! I know some of them. Don't make any other gods. Don't boss your mom and dad around. Don't want to take your neighbor's things, like his toys or his cars..." I think he is getting the general idea. :)

    Tristan is finally starting to say a few words, like water (wa-wa), ball, Ace (my sister's dog), dada and mama. Unfortunately, I am not "mama", I am "mom". "Mama" is his pacifier!! What is with that!??! So when he runs around asking for his mama, it's not really me he wants... it's just his paci. Nice, huh? :)

    On my previous entry, I had a link to the final lap of the men's 4x100 relay where Lezak pulled off the amazing come-from-behind win for the USA. Apparently, NBC has an inferiority complex, though, because they filed a complaint about their footage being posted on youtube without permission... waaaaahhhh... So. That's why the link goes nowhere. Sorry about that! It was a sweet video, though. (Dumb NBC.)

  • The Olympics!!

    I probably posted this 2 years ago, and then 2 years before that, but it bears repeating: I LOVE THE OLYMPICS!!!!!

    Have you seen this yet? Man, rock on Team USA!!!

    Since we don't have TV, I have to go over to my parents' to get my fix. (Plus it's a lot more fun yelling at the TV when other people are too!!) YouTube is an ok fill-in for any events that I end up missing... but of course it's not the same as catching it "live".

    USA! USA! USA! USA! :)

    Yeah, I'm a fan. I'm proud of our athletes and all their (voluntary!) hard work. (In case you didn't know, many of the Chinese athletes are forced to train for their events. They have no say in their training at all.) So take that, communism! America is still the best country in the world and I am proud to cheer on the USA's finest!!