February 20, 2009

  • Today

    :: Dan and Will are in STL, getting one last load of our stuff, and doing Dan’s final hip-surgery check ups. They’ll be driving home Sunday. Will’s such a big, grown-up traveler boy. He didn’t complain once during the whole 14.5 hr. drive out there. Such a good kid.
    :: The kids and I played legos (built barns) and read books by the fire.
    :: Tonight I’m making apple-blueberry crisp for dinner at my parents.
    :: They have dear friends from Sanibel visiting, and we’ll sit around and play games afterward.
    :: I’ve done two loads of laundry and am going to watch a chick-flick tonight when the kids are asleep. When I’m out of Radio Factor podcasts, I listen to a soundtrack of my top-rated songs on iTunes while I fold laundry, and each song transports me far away totally different. I love it! (Yeah I’m kind of a geek-head girl.)
    :: When the kids get up from naps we’re heading outside to sled on the lake. I love it more than they do, I think. I have an obsession with geting outside every day, regardless of the weather. Kind of crazy, but it always works out ok. Sometimes the kids end up wanting to stay out longer than I do, despite their earlier grumblings.
    :: We should be moving into our house within the next month. *eeeeek* I’m cautiously optimistic!
    :: I stayed on top of cleaning enough this week that I have a fairly peaceful weekend ahead, I think, which is a great feeling.
    :: I’ve successfully kept the fire roaring on my own (even overnight!) and am pleased with that. I’m thankful for Dan’s hard work and the giant stack of wood on our back porch.
    :: I’m excited for the future: for spring, for moving, for newness.; for warmer weather and more time outside.
    :: I’m thankful for a cute crafty girl, who happily sits and cuts, glues and tapes pieces of (only) pink paper together. She’ll be 4 in a couple months (!!) How is that even possible?
    :: And I’m thankful for my cute, spunky two year old bundle of love and happiness. He is purely delightful!

Comments (1)

  • Hey friend. I am the same way aboiut getting out side. We get out every day.  Rain or shine we are usaully out even if it is just for a little bit. That is exciting that you are moving soon.  Well just wanted to say hello. have a wonderful day.  hope to hear from you soon. i am only on the computer once every few weeks so if I don’t get back to you that is why. :)

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